Category Archives: Entertainment

Holiday Party

Yesterday was the Wharton Computing Holiday Open house.  Our theme this year was candy, featuring chocolate.  It was yummy and fun!
I created a wordle of the wishes that were included with the rsvps- here’s one of them:
Setting up for the party:
"Let’s get this party started!"
Candygram story telling:
It was so much fun!
 There are more photos, including some from years past, in my online photos:

Sometimes she hits go instead of stop

The good news:  No one was injured and believe it or not, after the brakes were bled, the car is drivable.  My husband also got to test the towing capacity of his F150.
Kelly, my 18 year old daughter, has trouble driving sometimes.  She got into an accident once and told the police officer, "I meant to hit stop but I hit go instead".  Why she thought changing her brakes would be a good thing is beyond me.  I should have told her to stop when she called and told me what she was doing, but I was busy working and not thinking things through.  Imagine my suprise when she called and said the car is on the front porch. 
Although I love her with all my heart, if you see this girl driving down the street   You might want to use caution.