Holiday Party

Yesterday was the Wharton Computing Holiday Open house.  Our theme this year was candy, featuring chocolate.  It was yummy and fun!
I created a wordle of the wishes that were included with the rsvps- here’s one of them:
Setting up for the party:
"Let’s get this party started!"
Candygram story telling:
It was so much fun!
 There are more photos, including some from years past, in my online photos:


Ahh, lots of relaxing and knitting.  I finished my embossed leaves socks:
And cast on a quick knitting pair of campfire socks (to be put away until colder weather). 
Jordan joined us from Wednesday till Saturday, and had lots of fun eating strawberries,
building with an erector set, and going to the Strasburg Railroad.  On Saturday, his mom and Chris
came up and we all went to Herseypark!  More pictures to come soon.
And for all of you out there that don’t think we have to rough it – I found I didn’t have a pan for my cornbread,
and so Bob fashioned me one out of tin foil:

You never know what you’ll find at 30th Street Station


Lonely Knitting Circle

I went to knitting circle this afternoon, and I am hoping everyone else was on vacation, because sitting down on the patio was just wonderful.
My sock and I had a grand time smelling the flowers and enjoying the breeze. 

Cutie Pies

Jordan got to go to work with his Mom on Friday, and I got to share a seat with him on the train!


Here’s Dylan trying to figure out what to do with the remote. He must have thought it was an ice pop!


Late night

Those of you who know me realize I usually have a very early bedtime (8 pm is not unheard of!) – But last night I stayed up until 11 to watch
One of the highlights of the night (besides the Who and Pearl Jam) was Adam Sandler’s performance: 

Summer School has wiped me out

I went to knitting circle last night at Rosies Yarn Cellar.  It was Mindy’s last night with us before moving.  I cannot believe how tired I look.  Good thing I have a vacation coming up.


Crime and Punishment Museum, Washington, DC


The networking event for CFUnited was an evening at the Crime and Punishment museum.  I was a bit disappointed after having been to the museum in Rothenburg, Germany, which has authentic medieval tourture devices – this was a lot of hollywood (the Bonnie and Clyde death car turned out to be from the movie — there was the gun that Pacino used in Scarface).  I prefer authentic history. 

Me and Bob in the stockade


In an old west jail

In a police lineup

Bob and Adam Bell in jail:

Me breaking out of jail

The only way I’ll ever drive a motorcycle (it’s bolted to the floor!)

Here is us on a tv screen (pretending to be on America’s most wanted!)


Memorial Day weekend fun

We took Friday off and went to the Green Dragon Flea Market. 
We picked up these cute frogs and an Eagle’s flag.
After chilling with Beth and Andrew on Sunday,  the whole gang came up for a cookout on Monday.  Krista made an awesome apple pie.  If she posts the recipe, I will add a link to it (hint, hint).  There are lots more pictures in photos under  "Memorial Day 2008" .
Dillon being cute as always:
Jordan getting ready to go to the pool.               Zack, Kelly and Beth around the campfire.
Andrew napping.
Krista and Beth                                                Chris grilling the burgers

Can you tell we are in PA Dutch Country?

What a fitting picture for the Morgantown Pizza Hut speed dial on my iPhone: